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framed oil painted portrait

Oil Painting Portrait in Frame

Oil painting portraits can really pop with the right custom picture frame. Here, a frame that has tones and colors the complement the painting was chosen. The style of the frame also works well with the style of the portrait. 

This piece of artwork measure 5" X 7". Many people are hesitant to use a large frame on a small piece of artwork for fear that the painting will be overpowered. However, they are always surprised to see how large frames, when used correctly, can actually enhance the visual impact of the artwork and create a truly designed piece! 

Artist: George Thompson

Oil Painting Portrait in Frame

Oil painting portraits can really pop with the right custom picture frame. Here, a frame that has tones and colors the complement the painting was chosen. The style of the frame also works well with the style of the portrait. 

This piece of artwork measure 5" X 7". Many people are hesitant to use a large frame on a small piece of artwork for fear that the painting will be overpowered. However, they are always surprised to see how large frames, when used correctly, can actually enhance the visual impact of the artwork and create a truly designed piece! 

Artist: George Thompson

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framed oil painted portrait